Stephanie and myself found editing a lot harder than first anticipated. We faced problems with the macbook as the files were not in the correct format for Premiere Pro to recognise which I had to resolve by changing the file format using a newer macbook. Another issue was that we did need some help with editing and seeing what transition effects would be best. This advice was harder to achieve because one of the teachers didn't know how to use the macs. We overcame this issue by having to research and look through Premiere Pro, testing out different shot transitions and audio effects.
Editing the footage took longer then we all expected but Stephanie took on the majority of the editing as this was her assigned job. I think having to work out how to use most of the program by ourselves effected the length of the editing process. However, this will benefit us as now we are confident with the program and will be able to confidently edit footage in the future. We looked through the footage which we were happy with in comparison to the previous footage Stephanie had tried to edit. There are still a few things that need resolving in the editing process and I feel there may be some reshooting to be done but overall, editing the second lot of footage was much better than the first shots.